Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sweating bullets of blood

this morning i am remembering of the magnitude of the cross. i forget a lot of the intricate details about how huge that price was but this morning i have been reminded and i just want to make it real for you too! i cant even imagine what it must have been like for Christ who was perfect and holy to become sin. "He became who we were so that we could become who He is" [pg.61, Discovery] i mean its pretty difficult for us to really grasp that, but think about it! we are so used to being in sin that the thought of taking on sin doesnt really phase us. its natural for us and we're so used to it! Christ was agonizing in that garden the night before His death, not because of the physical pain He was about to endure. it was because he was about to be completely separated from His Father and from everything that He is! not only that but he was going to take on the FULL wrath of God for sins. God abhors sin! and all that wrath was taken out on Jesus. BUT Jesus understood that by paying that bride price that would mean that we would be able to share in His righteousness one day. that must be such a glorious thing if He was willing to take on the wrath of God so we could experience it! Paise God! i want to give you a picture of what he took on for us to see His glory one day :)

Jesus is love-he experienced complete, consuming hatred. despised and rejected

Jesus is the "Light of the world"-on the cross he experienced total darkness and everything associated with sin and evil.

Jesus is peace-on the cross he experienced total frustration, anxiety, fear, hopelessness and desperation

Jesus is truth-on the cross everything became confusing, inconsistent, and illogical

Jesus is satisfaction, the "Bread of Life"-one the cross he experienced emotional and spiritual hunger: longing, craving, yearning, complete dissatisfaction

Jesus is The Way-on the cross he felt frustratingly lost with no direction. uncertain, perplexed, bewildered, full of doubts, empty and confused

Jesus is security-one the cross experienced fear, insecurity, and overwelming loneliness

Jesus is mercy-on the cross he experinced ultimate abuse, oppression, and torture

Jesus is just-on the cross he experienced unfairness, corruption, dishonesty and all the reactions and emotions that go along with unjust treatment

In isaiah he says Christ was like a lamb led to slaughter, not uttering a sound. maybe the reason Christ was so silent was because if he had uttered one word all of heaven would have responded. but He endured and because He experienced His Father as God, we can now experience God as our Father :) and as our Father He wants us to run to Him when we experience some of the things that Christ experienced on the Cross. He understands and delights in being able to relate to His people. now delight in the fact that you have a perfect Father that you CAN run to! there is nothing too big for Him to overcome. there is no reason to dwell in the pain of this world because He has overcome the world. we have triumpth over sin, now live in that!

1 comment:

  1. i want to thank Discovery, by Will Wyatt for helping me see the magnitude of the Cross!
