Tuesday, November 2, 2010

pump up my morning

this song is my hearts anthem right now, so it pretty much makes my day hearing it


The future comes alive
You speak Your word and I
I’m running into Your hope
Because I’ve seen Your light
You bring my world to life
I’m coming after Your love

I’m not shaken
I’m not letting go

And everything comes alive
In my life as we lift You higher
Let Your freedom arise
In our lives as we lift You up
Sing it out
Sing it out
Your freedom is here

I will not fear
I will not hide Your love
Your love
All of my life
I cannot deny Your love
Your love

So take the limits off
No matter what the cost
I’m running after Your call
And I will run this race
See You face to face
So let Your power overflow

Monday, November 1, 2010

true community!

i cant even express how much i love the community that i have gotten from grace midtown church :) i started going to a house church about a month ago to meet people and get plugged in better to the church that i love and it has been SUCH a blessing! i have met a ton of new people and they all love God and love people and its been so fun and refreshing to be surrounded by people that desperately want to see the Lord and be a part of what He is doing in Atlanta! i have been changed by these amazing people and have been encouraged by their hearts for God. they make me want to make the changes that i need to in my life, through obedience, to make it more like my Saviors. i was convicted the first time i went to house church because i realized how selfish i was being. i say that i love this God and then i spend my time doing things that are meaningless and a waste of time. so after that first house church, and a crappy situation the same night that reminded that God IS the only constant in my life, i decided that my life is no longer my own. i got so tired of making promises that i never kept and so i started reading scripture again. i love the Lord and i really do desire to glorify Him with my actions and i have had that mind set for a while now but i was dying inside. i had nothing filling me, i was attempting to glorify God on my own pathetic strength, not looking to His Word or His people to be an encouragement to me. i had a dream one night during this time and in it a spiritual leader in the church looked at me straight in the eyes and said "you're drowning" and i knew he was talking about my soul. i tried to blow it off as just a weird coincidence, i guess because of pride and not wanting to look weak, but eventually i figured out that that was a warning from the Lord. praise God it came because i was hurting and the joy that has come so recently is more than i can express to anyone! i want to smile so big that it hurts and i want to dance like idiot. but the reason why i want to write this blog is because i want to encourage anyone out there thats in the same place that i was. its ok. and you don't have to fix everything. just come before God with a willing humble heart ready to follow Him and He will change you! i took that step a month ago and last night was a testament to Gods faithfulness. after a rowdy time of worship at church last night i went to say hi to a few people that i have gotten so close to through house church and they just expressed the change that they have seen in me the past few weeks! i had no idea that it showed! i mean, i just wanted joy again and did what i knew would get me it and apparently it radiates!!! praise God! He shines so brightly. its nothing that i have to try to do! he fills and overflows and i get to soak in it! i pray this joy, divine relationship, and amazing fellowship for everyone reading this and their brother! i want this for everyone and so i pray that it will be. God is faithful to our prayers when they flow with the rhythm of His heartbeat and i believe that my prayer does so AMEN, let it be!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

our yoke

i had SUCH a cool realization today about what this verse means! once again, i'm continuing through matthew and the very end of chapter 11 jesus says,"come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and i will give you rest. take my yoke upon you. let me teach you, because i am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. for my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden i give you is light." for a while i have known that it is not talking about egg yoke here. it is referring to what cattle or humans wear so that they are able to stay close and carry the heavy weight they are carrying easier. they share the load, they're close, they are working together to get through it easier. i never thought about the fact that by taking HIS yoke we are BOTH in it. we are walking side by side. He makes the hard things easier and heavy things lighter because He is right there helping me through it. just a nugget but SO encouraging! i have been reminded a lot lately by just how faithful God is. when things on this earth disappoint me, hurt me, let me down etc. i am reminded that God is constant. constantly good...holy...faithful...loving...perfect...and more than worthy of my praise! that is the kind of God that i live for and trust! i love knowing that my God is unwavering.

moved by the breath of the wind.

so i have been reading in matthew and today i read something and i guess in the past i just skimmed over it but today i read it with fresh eyes and it was just really cool to me. in chapter 11 Jesus talks about john the baptist very honorably. whats interesting here is that John was an odd character. Jesus obviously knew that people thought lowly of John the Baptist and so i think he just felt it necessary to plead his case. Jesus wanted people to know that some of the greatest people are the people that don't seem great at all. John was dirty, ate bugs, and was even in jail as Jesus was speaking about him. but in verse 11:11 Jesus says, "i assure you, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist." i'm still trying to figure out what exactly God's favor is, but whether i understand that or not its clear that Jesus is proud of the life that John has lead and i think Jesus is giving us a clear example of somebody that would be honorable to model our lives after. i mean we are clearly encouraged to do what Jesus did but maybe Jesus wanted us to see that a real person can do it?? he lived a life that was so glorifying to God that Jesus actually said, "and from the time John the Baptist began preaching and baptizing until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing." how cool! ONE person effected the KINGDOM OF GOD!!!! thats huge! definitely somebody that i want to study and figure out what i need to change about my life to make it look more like his. i want Christ to say one day that my life forcefully advanced His kingdom. so awesome!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who is your God?

in the past couple years of my life i have really been trying to figure out what a life, following God, looks like. obviously i want people to see how wonderful this God is that i follow and being a living example of that has shown to be one of the most effective ways for people to see that. not talk but action. but its been a trip having a good balance of me and God where i'm playing my part and He's playing His.
i've done the "good" route where i make all the right choices and do my best to follow every rule, but that ends up pushing God to the side cause i think i got things going fine on my own.....until i don't. and in the process everybody wants to smack me cause im "soooo" good and i hide my faults trying to keep God name good, like he needs my help there.
and then i've done the lazy route where i just know God has everything in control and so it doesn't matter what I do cause everything is going turn out the way its supposed to anyway. but then i end up feeling empty, my life has no purpose and nobody see's anything different about my life. and when that happens God doesn't get the glory that His name deserves and when we don't give Him the glory He deserves, i think we forget the kind of God that He is! so then, whats the point of loving a mediocre God?
i think there is beautiful harmony that happens when we finally get real and find the balance. because it is neither all our responsibility or all Gods. God is God and He is constant. He is never going to change. He loves His people and His grace is abundant. overflowing!!! He is holy and deserves praise. and He meets our needs. He is doing His part and waits for His people to pursue seeking their role. the first step is coming to Him willing and then following in obedience. when we stop ignoring His soft voice and listen to what He has to say about our worth and what He has for us, we begin to trust Him more and more. so many people in this world settle on things that are just ok because they have drowned out the voice of the One who says they are worth more. even christians do this! i've done this! but i'm done settling. God's promises are true and so i continue to follow Him because He knows what is best for my heart and if mine stays aligned with His then our desires line up and so as long as i'm following God i will have everything my heart longs for because God is good :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

more please

recently i have been reading through matthew and im hoping to continue on through the gospels. i want to do this because i have been going to a house church and my first night i was convicted that a lot of the time i take what the gospel says and i make excuses for not taking it for what it really says and following that. Jesus made it very clear that following Him was very costly! He calls us to drop everything and follow Him. i heard a quote once and it said, "born of the Spirit, blown like the wind". the gospel encourages us to let go of the things that trap us. God desires freedom for us in all aspects of life; not bound by sin, debt, pain, or anything that keeps us from being completely free!!! i know a lot of people have a hard time taking what Jesus said and seeing freedom in it but Jesus is the essence of everything good and so by following him and indulging in Him we feel a sense of freedom that out weighs ANY act of rebellion to try and receive it. for example, when i began to follow what my parents taught me and showed them that i could be trusted i gained so much freedom! i think it is the same with the Lord. when we choose to follow Him it may seem like all these rules are suddenly invading our lives but the Lord just wants us to see that life can be enjoyed SO much greater if we see that nothing on this earth satisfies like He does. when he becomes the center of our lives we don't care about what we are "missing out on" because He changes our heart and we begin to desire good things. it seems like a crazy concept to some, perhaps, but im living proof that its true. God is SO GOOD! His entire being is good and He gives me endless joy :) why would i ever want anything else?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Over The Sun

"im finding that maybe i was wrong, that i've fallen down and i cant do this alone, stay with me, this is what i need, please.
sing us a song, and we'll sing it back to you. we could sing our own, but what would it be without you?
i am nothing now, and its been so long since i've heard the sound, the sound of my only hope, this time i will be listening"

i heard something recently that i knew in my head but the way it was phrased hit me differently and impacted me more in my heart and it was this...

"even the things that are greatest in life can be a burden when Christ is not in them"

for example; going to college, getting a job, marriage, children, a new home, etc. all the things that can be really great in this life are bound to eventually wear us down if God is not renewing our joy daily. in Ecclesiastes solomon repeats over and over that nothing is new under the sun. he did everything imaginable in life to exercise pleasure and happiness and eventually it all sucked and at the end of his life he was done with it. he had no lasting joy. no matter what it is, if its within this world its going to get old, its going to let us down, and its going to become a burden. the only way to keep our joy is to throw God into everything in our lives. He is the one that is going to make things interesting and He is the one that is going to surprise us around every corner. if we come to Him and allow Him to renew our joy daily then all the things in our lives will be exciting because we aren't looking to them for our ultimate happiness. our joy comes from the Lord and so everything else is gravy :) without Christ this life is everything that solomon said it was......depressing and monotonous.

Monday, August 30, 2010

B.C. (before Christ)

i read once that truth is truth and it comes from God, and where it is found is not always under the "Christian" label. think about some of the things that are hateful and so far from God's loving character that have been done under that Christian label. something being labeled christian doesn't always make it true. and just to clarify, i am not refering in any way to scripture. i believe that that is where we find the root of truth that everything else flows from, but i've learned not to limit God to that alone. He can be seen in everything :) THAT being said i have been reading a book called 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown. not exactly a book that i expected to find anything useful spiritually from but like i said God can not be kept in a box. at one point in the book they come across a clue of some sort that is a cross but it doesn't make sense to them why the cross is presented here because it is pretty exclusive to Christianity and the backbone of this book is all about the Masons. so they were trying to figure out the purpose of the cross and they recalled back on what the cross meant before Christ came and before the cross became a symbol of Christianity. long before the cross was a christian symbol it was used by the Egyptians to represent the intersection of 2 demensions - the human and the celestial. it was a visual representation of the juncture where man and God become One! i read that and was blown away because ive wondered why the cross was chosen to be the instrument that Christ was killed by but it makes perfect sense as to why it was chosen! Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross that allowed God to be able to connect with His people on a deeper level. in scripture there is an intimacy that is described in several different contexts - that between a husband and wife, God and his people, and the Trinity. this intimacy is described as becoming One, because you are so in tune with the other and the deepest parts of their heart and their being. The only way God could connect with his people was if Christ shed blood and paid the price of our sins. Christs' blood covers all the crap we do and allows the Father to draw near. He no longer sees the sin that separates, but he see's the beauty of His Son radiating from us. anyway, just a little nugget that i loved.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I recently read 1 peter 3:8-4:19 and it was all about what it means to be a Christian and living like one and how you will endure persecution, no doubt! The purpose of our lives here is to be refined and molded more and more into Christ. He wants us to become more like Him and in doing that its going to cause a rift in some of the relationships we have with people in this world. I mean he was put on a cross by the people of this world, even the ones that seemed to love Him, for living a life glorifying to God. Sometimes it feels like choosing Christ in a situation with non-believers actually hinders them from trusting me because I don't "get on their level" but God has that under control. We just pursue Him and the people that don't know Him in a loving, graceful, and humble way and God will take care of their hearts the rest of the way. WE aren't going to change anyone. And we aren't going to make sense to some people in this world if we follow after and pursue a life glorifying to God BUT as hard as it is sometimes to be looked at as a weirdo from people that you care about, God is THE most important thing and He is beaming because of your trust that "being a weirdo" is the better more fulfilling route ultimately. We are going to be blessed immeasurably by guarding ourselves from some of the things that suck the rest of the world in. so value the purity you have or the purity that God has given back to you because your life and mine are going to be beautiful in the sight of our God!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lebanon and Beyond!

in july i have the honor of going to Lebanon on a mission trip and going into it i looked at it as any other mission trip that i have gone on. getting ready for it is all the same. signing up, finding support, going to meetings, preparing hearts, and anything else that needs to be done. but ive slowly realized that this trip is not the same as the ones i have been on in the past. a few months ago right after i sent out support letters for the trip i got a phone call from my dad and then a few days later from my grandparents. both of their calls were filled with concern for this area that im going to. lebanon tends to have out breaks of violence and usually their targets are americans and christians and i happen to be both of those things. so i can level with their concern because i know that they love me and they are protective over me but something felt weird about their concern. i kept thinking through our conversation......"you are christians and have been for as long as ive been alive and you are fearing my life when its in the Lords hands!?" i dont in any way mean to devalue their relationship with God, but i felt like there should have been a smidge more trust then there seemed to be. i have never really thought about being a martyr until everything that has kind of gone down with this trip. but thats one death that even though im sure it would be scary as hell, i feel like there would be a peace about it because it is soooo glorifying to God. giving up your life for the sake of the cross! now i know this is SUPER morbid to bring up but its just what has been going through my head. i dont expect to die on this trip. i know that my life is in Gods hands and He cant possibly be done with me on this earth! ive barely lived! there is so much that He has to do and i want to be a part of it! so if God has more for me then i am BULLET PROOF on this trip! satan cant lay a hand on me!
there was a lady at midtown about a week ago and she was telling her story about her trip to afghanistan in 2001......yeah interesting timing huh? well she ended up getting arrested and was in jail there for 3 months! but what she said that struck a chord in me was the verse matthew 6:25 which says, "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." what she realized through her experience was that sometimes, most of the time, you dont have to actually physically lose your life, just quit trying to save it all the time. God has a plan and has His hands over your life. He knows what he wants to do in the hearts and lives of His people. she concluded her story with how she got out of that prison and what happened was american troops caused the Taliban to flee from where her and the other missionaries were being held and ultimately the whole town that they were in. so that day they walked through that city in freedom from prison with the people, that they came to share real freedom with, who were physically free that day as well. and in that moment she realized that it was 9 years to the day when she experienced that real freedom from a life enslaved by sin to a life gloriously free in Christ! what a symbolic day!!! i bet that really penetrated into the core of her heart and changed her for the better! i guess the point of writing this is just to say that God has a better end in mind than anything that we can think up and i just hope and pray that we can trust that no matter what comes our way. i have peace about all this now but pray that it will endure even the most unthinkable of things. im in this to become more like Christ and he suffered immensely so why should i think i can become more like him without going through some tough times myself.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Marraige Is Everywhere!!!!

so im getting to the age where a lot of my friends are getting engaged and getting married and it is just rampant right now! its all around me! so naturally its on my mind and i recently heard a sermon on marriage but it took a little twist that i liked. being a christian that loves the Lord and desires glory for Him more than anything i have found that i quite enjoy pissing off Satan :) and nothing pisses off Satan more than Glory for God and not him! therefore this sermon on marriage was a good one. the title of the sermon was "Marriage is a Kingdom Thing" and as most of you know marriage on this earth with the man or woman that God blesses you with is meant to be a picture of God and, His Bride, the Church, aka all His people. so that imagery was touched on a bit which i always find beautiful. being a girl i love thinking about that day when i walk down the aisle and that man, whoever he is, standing at the alter absolutely captivated by me and the thought of finally being made one with me. its such a beautiful parallel to how God delights in His Church finally being united with Him again in Heaven one day and having an intimacy so strong its as if you're one! so looking at that picture and seeing how wonderful that is you have to look at the other side and see that that is the LAST thing that Satan wants! he wants everything opposite of that, and all that is, is brokenness and pain. so one of the main points that was touched on that i hadn't quite thought about full circle yet was on sexual immortality. it is one of those sins that effects your heart and body more than any other sin and "crazily" enough its the one that is most struggled with by all. sex is so commercialized and praised and pushed but not the way that God intended for it to be. the difference between sex before marriage and within marriage is SOOOO different. before marriage it causes brokeness, complication, pain, and typically a "love" that doesnt last. but when its within marriage there is unity, intimacy, joy, and love. a friend of mine used to really struggle with sexual sin and finally she met the man that she felt God had put in her life for the long haul, but there was a period of time where she had to tell him about all the guys that she had been with so there werent any secrets in their marriage and it was really hard for him to hear and i can imagine he probably had fears of comparison and other emotions that werent unity and intimacy because someone else had had that part of her at one point and so on a so forth. im not bashing my friend at all because Christ is bigger than all that and i know that He healed her from all that pain in her past and gave her husband understanding and mercy on her past weaknesses. but the point of all that is that Satan pulled her into all that sexual sin that scarred her for so long. and when her and her husband were preparing to be married they had to battle through all that crap that Satan had piled up and it could have tainted their marriage. Satan hates marriage because it reminds him of the One that he hates most of all......God. any marriage that is one to be desired is one that has God smack dab in the middle of it and so Satan is gonna do everything he can to break that beauty! so i hope and pray that you and i both can have the strength to hold out and stay pure before marriage so that we can have a clearer picture of what God wants with us! and if you have already slipped up or screwed up in that area which has happened to a whole bunch of us then know that in time Christ can heal those wounds and give you purity again if youll commit to pursuing it. He is so good if you'll just let Him in :)

so! shall we piss Satan off!!!! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Holy Swagger

last night at Midtown Church the theme of the night seemed to be being filled to overflow. whenever i think of being filled to overflow ive always thought of that being with love. God shows me His love and as a result of that i cant help but show it to others because it is all consuming! but its not just love that God wants us to being pouring out! love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control! all of those things are of God and have been freely given to us to absorb and drip all over the people who need it! God is a very generous God. even the most giving person you know cant even compare to God! and he delights in giving us the fruits that i mentioned earlier so if your not feeling very joyful or peaceful or patient or kind or good or faithful or gentle or self-controlled then something is lacking on your end, myself included, because those things are FREE! a guy walked up on stage last night and shared this image that he had and it was people getting soaked in this huge river and then people standing on the shore. the river is there regardless of whether you jump in it or not! God is gonna do what He is gonna do on this earth whether you want to be a part of it or not! but how much more amazing would this life be if you were a part of it all! God has never left....he is always there waiting on you to come to Him and choose to be a part of something bigger than yourself. if you really think about it who do you want to guide your life?? you or God? i am full of mistakes and decisions that end up hurting me and settling for just ok. but God is perfect and glorious and already knows what he wants to do here in the hearts of His people and it huge!!! He wants us to live in overflowing joy at the sight of Him and what He is doing in our hearts and the hearts around us! i was reminded of that joy last night and it was so refreshing. there is a difference between doing the "right thing" and living for God. i think the difference is passion and mine has been weak lately but only because i have been the one slacking and i know this and i need to invest time in the One who wants to fill me. i cant run off of my own strength for much longer so im jumping in.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


"Emotions: they just are. they are neither bad nor good; they just exist. paradigms power perception & perceptions power emotions. most emotions are responses to perception - what you think is true about a given situation. if your perception is false, then your emotional response will be false too. so check your perceptions, & beyond that check the truthfulness of your paradigms - what you believe. just because you believe something firmly doesn't make it true. be willing to reexamine what you believe. the more you live in the truth, the more your emotions will help you see clearly. but even then, you don't want to trust them more than Me."
-Papa aka God, from "The Shack"

love this and am trying to live by it more and more. and if you haven't read "The Shack" you definitely should! it has a slow start but after the first 2 chapters its amazing!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love is...

"Most of the people I know confuse love with possession. It's easy to see why; it's built into the fundamental assumptions of our culture. "You're mine," says the popular song, "and we belong together." Hardly anyone stops to question the sentiment. As soon as we feel love, we immediately attempt to possess. We speak confidently of my boyfriend, my wife, my child, my parent. We feel justified in holding expectations about those people. We consider that perfectly reasonable. Why? Because all our concepts of love ultimately derive from romantic love — and romantic love is furiously, frantically possessive. We want to be with our lover, to have them to ourselves, to feel their eyes on us, to consume their minds and bodies...to possess them. So strongly do we equate love with possession that we may even feel if someone doesn't want to possess us, they don't really love us. Yet I would argue that what we call romantic love is not love at all. It's a kind of emotional storm, an overpowering, thrilling attraction — but it isn't love. Because real love isn't possessive. It can't be. We'd all agree that love involves giving, not taking. Yet the desire to possess actually springs from the lover's own need — the need for approval from the beloved, for support from a parent, for straight A's from a child, for status, for financial security — for something. A possessive lover is overly focused on what he's getting, not what he's giving. The lover may dignify his dependency with the name love, but it's a lie. How can you really love somebody when you're dependent on them for things you need? That isn't love, that's just manipulation to keep the needed stuff coming your way. Robert Palmer sings about being "addicted to love," but nobody really is. People are addicted to their needs. And love isn't the same as need. It just isn't. Of course, a loving relationship will produce interdependencies. But all too often, the pleasure of freely giving changes to a fear of possibly not getting. It's just that this person — your husband, your girlfriend, your child — is suddenly so important to you. You worry about what's going to happen. What they're going to do. And at that moment, love stops. People sometimes wonder if they're feeling real love. These same people never wonder if they're sexually aroused, or sad. Then what's the problem about recognizing love? Most often, because they're sensing a conflict: they're feeling the depth of their need, not the heights of their love. There are ways to know real love. It feels calm. It's steady, and it can easily last a lifetime. It's nourishing — people grow under its influence. They become who they really are, and now what someone expects them to be. Real love isn't blind; on the contrary, people feel understood, accepted for who they really are. It's healing. People recover. So whenever you hear that love is blind, or love can't last, or love is destructive, you can be sure that you're hearing a description of lust, or desire, or need. And it's an accurate description, because needs really are transient and destructive. But love is something else entirely. An emotion of deep caring that asks nothing in return, an emotion that is fulfilling without any expectation at all, is so rare that most people in our society can't imagine it. They can't imagine feeling it, or receiving it. They may even come to believe it doesn't exist. But it does. And it's the best thing there is."

-Michael Crichton

Saturday, January 2, 2010

REdiscovering Christ!

its so interesting how when a new year comes around people feel like anything is possible. it feels like the past is really behind me and i can be whoever i choose to be this year. the decisions that i made last year have no tie to me anymore and it feels real because today is a new year. so ive never really been one to make new years resolutions because if you really wanted to do something, you would just do it. you wouldnt need the new year to come to do it. and im sure that if anyone has stuck to a new years resolution its been because something deeper, than just the new year, is behind it driving it. so id like to think that what i want right now is deeper than this freeing feeling of 2010. maybe the fact that im voicing this will hold me accountable to doing it :)

so, last night i was laying in bed wondering if i should try to make a resolution for myself this year and so i looked back on this past year and looked at all the things that i did and i learned and i wish that i had done. and i came to the conclusion that with my relationship with the Lord there have been some spots where i dont think ive understood how wonderful He really is. i mean i have knowledge of who God is in my head but transferring that truth to my heart is hard sometimes. so this year when i have made mistakes i have really beat myself up about them and have totally forgotten that fact that the only opinion that matters is Christs. and He has made it clear in Scripture that His blood has covered my life, His grace is stronger than my faults, and his mercy is bigger than my stupidest mistakes. all i have to do is accept that and move on! its so unnecessary to dwell on the things that ive done "wrong" because what good does that do?? i cant go back and change the past so all i have is the future in my grasp and the Lord by my side so what am i going to do with that!? that is the question that i have before me now. where do i go in 2010 with the future in my grasp and the Lord by my side?

so with all that said i am no longer dwelling in the past and the ways that ive been. i have decided to REdiscover Christ! i want to read the gospels and see Christ for what He says He is and not what pastors have said and books have said. i want to go back to the raw scriptures and find Him there. i want my life to mirror His this year and im up for the challenge! so, may 2010 be a year of big love, deep relationships, restored hearts, crazy adventures, and powerful encounters with a rediscovered Living God! CANT WAIT!