Thursday, October 14, 2010

Over The Sun

"im finding that maybe i was wrong, that i've fallen down and i cant do this alone, stay with me, this is what i need, please.
sing us a song, and we'll sing it back to you. we could sing our own, but what would it be without you?
i am nothing now, and its been so long since i've heard the sound, the sound of my only hope, this time i will be listening"

i heard something recently that i knew in my head but the way it was phrased hit me differently and impacted me more in my heart and it was this...

"even the things that are greatest in life can be a burden when Christ is not in them"

for example; going to college, getting a job, marriage, children, a new home, etc. all the things that can be really great in this life are bound to eventually wear us down if God is not renewing our joy daily. in Ecclesiastes solomon repeats over and over that nothing is new under the sun. he did everything imaginable in life to exercise pleasure and happiness and eventually it all sucked and at the end of his life he was done with it. he had no lasting joy. no matter what it is, if its within this world its going to get old, its going to let us down, and its going to become a burden. the only way to keep our joy is to throw God into everything in our lives. He is the one that is going to make things interesting and He is the one that is going to surprise us around every corner. if we come to Him and allow Him to renew our joy daily then all the things in our lives will be exciting because we aren't looking to them for our ultimate happiness. our joy comes from the Lord and so everything else is gravy :) without Christ this life is everything that solomon said it was......depressing and monotonous.

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