Saturday, October 23, 2010

moved by the breath of the wind.

so i have been reading in matthew and today i read something and i guess in the past i just skimmed over it but today i read it with fresh eyes and it was just really cool to me. in chapter 11 Jesus talks about john the baptist very honorably. whats interesting here is that John was an odd character. Jesus obviously knew that people thought lowly of John the Baptist and so i think he just felt it necessary to plead his case. Jesus wanted people to know that some of the greatest people are the people that don't seem great at all. John was dirty, ate bugs, and was even in jail as Jesus was speaking about him. but in verse 11:11 Jesus says, "i assure you, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist." i'm still trying to figure out what exactly God's favor is, but whether i understand that or not its clear that Jesus is proud of the life that John has lead and i think Jesus is giving us a clear example of somebody that would be honorable to model our lives after. i mean we are clearly encouraged to do what Jesus did but maybe Jesus wanted us to see that a real person can do it?? he lived a life that was so glorifying to God that Jesus actually said, "and from the time John the Baptist began preaching and baptizing until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing." how cool! ONE person effected the KINGDOM OF GOD!!!! thats huge! definitely somebody that i want to study and figure out what i need to change about my life to make it look more like his. i want Christ to say one day that my life forcefully advanced His kingdom. so awesome!

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