Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I have this sinking feeling
Something's weighing me down
I am completely saturated
The waves are crashing closer
My feet already drowned
Doing the thing I said I hated

They've been swimming in the wrong water
Now they're pulling me down
But I am clinging to you, never letting go
'Cos I know that you'll lift me out

Have your way here
Keep me afloat 'cos I know I'll sink without you
Take this ocean of pain that is mine
Throw me a lifeline

Wake up feeling convicted
I know something's not right
Re-acquaint my knees with the carpet
I have to get this out
'Cos it's obstructing you and I
Dry up the seas that keep us parted

i just keep finding that i need the Lord to keep coming to save me from myself. i have no idea whats best for me. i just dig myself deeper and deeper in a hole. i was reading something a while back and it was about the Lord and how he knows us sooo much better than we do, so obviously he knows what best for us better than we do ourselves. so then the only way we are going to even begin to get out of this "ocean" we're drowning in, is if we seek him and fill ourselves with His truth. only then are we going to even slightly get a glimpse of what He actually wants for us. that is why we have to constantly keep our eyes in the Word and keep filling ourselves up with His wisdom.

delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. -psalm 37:4

i know this verse can be pretty over used but a couple years ago i really grasped what this verse is getting at. im sure that God is laughing at that comment cause i probably have no idea haha, but the more we delight in him (aka fill ourselves up full of Him and meditate on all that He is) then our heart begins to conform to His and His desires really become our own. i mean our whole life purpose is to be molded and formed closer and closer to Christ. so eventually we really want what He wants for us and we are able to discern between satans little schemes to trick us with sneaky unfulfilling desires and then the "oh so worth it" desires that God so strongly has for us. im hoping and praying that we can become a people that digs in deep to scripture and encourages the Body so we can have the desires that are worth it. Go DIG! :)

1 comment:

  1. i think thats the right way to interpret that verse, not the "God is going to give me what i want if i pretend i'm happy living for Him," interpretation.

    i like your heart notes.
