Monday, November 2, 2009


so a little while ago i was in my bible study and we were reading a chapter in Crazy Love and the focus was on living a life full out for the Lord, going out to every country making disciple, and living extreme lives for His Glory! well it made one of the girls in my bible study a little confused and a little discouraged. i think there are definitely people that are called into ministry and are called to devote their lives to God through running a church or maintaining a mission field in another country! but i also believe that people have to be back on the mainland! what my friend struggled with was, "wouldn't it just be easier to go into ministry??" she felt discouraged because her going through school to be a nurse wasn't dedicating her life to living on nothing in Africa. it is weird to think that there are people that God has called to be in "ministry" for their job and people to be doctors, and garbage men, and store clerks, and in my case, hair dressers. so it would seem like God might have favoritism towards the people he calls for ministry but i think its something so much more personal than that. the industry that i am going into with hair styles and make up and fashion and putting on a face everyday can be seen by a lot of people as a very shallow job that God would never call anyone into. but if i know God, He's got something so personal in mind. i believe that God is so amazing and knows us soooo intricately that He knows what is going to make us happy. God knows that i thrive in an environment where i can express myself creatively and be around people to love. so obviously being a hairdresser is what i was made to do. God knows that i have such a deep passion for that! i believe he knows that i will glorify him in my passion and i will see His glory in the little things that others may not notice. God knows every one of you so intricately that he takes your passions and shapes them to ultimately glorify Him. for my friend, being a nurse, she gets to experience Gods glory in the little scientific things that other people, like me, wouldn't understand. God has such a cool way of connecting to His people. and whose to say that you have to be in another country or in a church everyday to bring other others into the Kingdom of God!!! we get the opportunity to make a difference every single day. Love the people around you at work or just in every day life. you are chosen by God and He wants to do big things with you whether your a pastor, missionary, or just a garbage man.

colossians 3:23
whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men!

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