Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Am I doing this right??

i have been going to a bible study for about 6 weeks now and we have been going thru the book crazy love and we always go around and share what stood out to us personally in reading the chapter that previous week. now to preface, this book is all about motivating the people that go through the motions of Christianity to do it with heart and passion. so this week the quote that i particularly enjoyed was this,

"when you are pursuing love, running toward Christ, you do not have opportunity to wonder, am i doing this right? or did i serve enough this week? when you are running toward Christ you are freed up to serve, love, and give thanks without guilt, worry, or fear. as long as you are running, you are safe."

as long as your goal and hearts desire is to serve God in everything you do then your heart is pure and like the quote said, your safe! its when you ask questions like, how far can i go for this to still be "ok"? if your asking those kind of questions and you call your self a follower of Christ you may want to sit down and think about what you really want. do you want to glorify Christ or yourself? there are way to many people in this world that say they are "Christians" and then they live their lives for themselves! being a Christian is about sacrificing yourself for a greater purpose, giving to people freely, loving people when they dont deserve it, putting yourself in situations where God has to show up in order for you to continue living! Christianity is so messed up in eyes of people that dont know the Lord because they see the people that claim Christ but dont actually follow Him and dont live in the way that shows people there is hope and a greater love than ANYTHING they have ever experienced. we need to be living lives that people see and before we utter the words that we follow Christ, they KNOW something is different. that kind of living is powerful.

so if you find that your living for yourself or your wondering if "your doing this right?" then you need to figure out who you want to follow, either way, and give everything you've got cause Christ isnt up for half a heart. He wants ALL of you! if you can muster up the slightest desire to follow Christ then pray for that desire to grow. of course God will give you more desire for him if your seeking it. and for everyone wherever you may be in your walk, ask yourself this question.

"if you could have heaven, with no sickness, & with all the friends you ever had on earth, & all the food you ever liked, & all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed, & all the natural beauties you ever saw, all the physical pleasures you ever tasted, & no human conflict or any natural disasters, could you be satisfied with heaven, if Christ was not there?"


  1. i've really been wanting to read crazy love, you obviously recommend it?

  2. "being a Christian is about sacrificing yourself for a greater purpose" -- i defitely see the parallel to marriage... it is sacrificing yourself and committing to a vow that you will love and serve that person for the rest of your life. We get all hyped up about romance movies and chick flicks and cry at weddings and I am just now seeing that that SAME commitment is the one we 'should' have towards our savior but too many of us including myself get lost and don't see the priority that it is.

    ..and i totally agree that Praying to God for our desire in him to grow is absolutely acceptable and for me it has been essential. He's showed up and it works.. but still everyday it's a choice to renew our vow, obey and follow.

    (On a side note, this book has made me so confused about my faith.. francis chan definitely is doing a number on my soul along with i think a majority of our bible study.. do u feel confused too?)
