Sunday, September 13, 2009

OMG Amazing!

yesterday one my friends got married to a man that has just amazed us with his wisdom, humor, love for tindell and love for God from day one! it has been such a joy for the people in her life to have seen the transformation that has happened in her and everything the Lord has blessed her with for genuinely trusting the Lord. one day she just decided to trust God with her relationships and because she did she was able to meet a man that God had waiting for her as soon as she was ready to trust Him.

in this past year i have just seen soooo clearly how faithful the Lord really is when you actually trust him! ive always had trouble knowing what trusting God really means. i used to throw that word around to people who i felt like needed to but then one of them asked what it meant to do that and i was stumped! i didnt really know how to answer cause, to be completely honest, i hadnt actually done it. well this past year i have kept finding myself in situations where i have been able to practice placing my trust in God and HIS plan for me. there have been so many instances where i really do want to do what God wants for me but i end up doing what i want more because its easier or it makes me feel better for a little while. well as im sure you have experienced that doesnt really work for long. eventually all those little decisions that you have made on your own catch up with you and just kind of sting. to give a better picture of what trust is im going put a couple things below that define what trust is.

-reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
-confident expectation of something; hope.
-a person on whom or thing on which one relies

by not not relying on Gods integrity, which He has, stength, which He has, ability, which He has, and surety, which He has we are ultimately saying that he isnt those things which is a lie! how can we not have confidence in Him? you know one of the coolest things about this past year for me is actually learning that He does have a plan for me and when i actually take a second and think about what the wisest thing to do is and not just what i want to do, i have been able to experience trust in Someone that amazes me with the things that He has for me. it really does blow my mind!!! life just makes more sense with Him. so now when things come up in my life i actually desire to see what He has in mind cause, taking a look back, i obviously dont have a clue haha.

i read a pretty funny quote a long time ago and it said this:

"Jesus is my co-pilot cause i drive like a idiot!"

so if your having trouble trusting in God, which i definitely understand. just try it once. pray hard about what it means to trust God in whatever situation presents you and i promise, when He follows through, your gonna want to trust Him more and more :)

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